僕のもう一つのブログ、future-compass/ でもいくつかの神々を描いて掲載しているのですが、こちらでもいろいろとご紹介します。 こちらにもアクセスしてくださいね。
Several gods are drawn, and my another blog and future-compass/ are carried, I'll introduce variously even here. Please also access here.
Goddess of love "Aphrodite"
The Venus of "Venus's birth" Botticelli drew seems to be Aphrodite, too, doesn't he?
It's said that those goddesses were an affair a little, I'd like to be shot by that Angel with an arrow.
That picture was also copied and drawn.10年以上前から、日本の仏画や日本の神様は描いていたのですが、ここで紹介しましたかね??
Japanese picture of Buddha and Japanese God were being drawn from the front for more than 10 years, was it introduced here?
"Hijiri Kannon"
The "Kannons" who take a dragon and fly in the air.
When they're young, "Kannons" are a brush, and a drawn picture is being displayed in the alcove of my home, this is a remake edition of PC taking pictures.
It looks like after I fly about the sky softly like God, shank.
僕のもう一つのブログ、future-compass/ もよろしくお願いいたします。
Also please take care of my another blog and future-compass/.
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