
身体に良い運動してますか? "Good for a body, are you exercising? "


The day when I don't go outside increased by a cause of spread of COVID-19, and the weight increased from last year to this year about 7 Kg.

My daughter hung intention on my lack of exercise from last year, too, and you said that the Nintendo switch and the ring fit which can be trained by a game sense were presented, and it was said that it was short and wasn't available last year, and you couldn't return in summer of this year, so only a present was presented but it was being sent via Amazon.

You also gave me software together with cerebral training, fit and boxing 2.

I'm happy (#^^#).

When training of ring fit was begun and it was done every day right away, I succeeded in cutting of the 3Kg at the end of September.

Various movement results were also indicated, and a picture was taken at the end of September.

Without even giving up the target weight, I exert myself.

I also train hard every day for my health maintenance.

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