
新たな気持ちで、テイクオフするよ "I take off by new feeling. "


 Contribution was the 3000th time last time.

僕のもう一つのブログ future-compass/ も記事が1300似たかづいている事は前回も報告しましたが、ここにもいろんな僕の思いを書いてます、ぜひアクセスしてください。

My another blog  Last time also reported that an article is also approaching 1300 future-compass/ , my various expectation is being also written here, please access by all means.


So it's a start by new feeling from today (this time).

I think various experience will be also done now, but I'd like to get over a misfortune from last year and COVID-19 and fly out to the world early.

Many places where I'd like to go would like also to go to Hawaii and is excessive even immediately in Spain and in Germany.


There is also business MU which would like to do newly, but I'll challenge to be able to send a person of a hobby much.

Please also support now.

もう一つのブログ future-compass/ の方もよろしくお願いします。

Another blog  Also to future-compass/, please.

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