
暖かな海辺の風景 " The landscape of the warm beach. "

新しい年になってもCOVID-19 ウィルスが猛威を振るっています。

Even if it'll be a new year, COVID-19 Coronavirus, rage splendid.


The dead already exceed 5,500,000 people in a total for 315,000,000 virus infected patients already.

予防策や治療薬が効果を現わし、早くインフルエンザと同じような扱いができるといいですね。 今年前半にはそうなってほしいものです。

Preventive measures and a curative show the effect, and I hope that you can do handling like the flu early. I want you to be the first half this year so.


When feeling is depressed, I'm the change in pace which goes on a sea to see.....!!


When a sea in Miyazaki where I live also clears up in winter warmly, a coat isn't necessary.

 Birds aims at fish and is flying about at a shoreline.

The usual peaceful landscape.


So that the warm sunlight which doesn't change with usual may be poured on all over the world.


 Tourist was visiting from all over the world in this coast, there is hardly a foreigner tourist now also I'm wishing that a lot of people visit.

I hope that the chance to guide everyone who accesses My Blog comes!!

僕のもう一つのブログ future-compass にも寄ってくださいね(*'▽')
My another blog  When there is also time in future-compass, please access !!


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