
もう宇宙時代なんだろうけど " It'll be already space age. "

僕は若いころから海外出張が多かったけど、最初にドイツに飛んだ時はアラスカのアンカレッジ経由だったんです。 北極海上空も飛んだので真っ白な世界が長かった

There were a lot of overseas business trips from young time, but when flying to Germany first, I was Alaskan Anchorage pass. It also flew over the Arctic Ocean sky, so the snow-white world was long.


Even if I entered so, I had got to the destination (frankfurter) in about 12 hours.

I also do model sailboat making, the sailboat exhibited at a German museum.

I think the one in the great navigation era, but how long would it take in Japan and Europe?

Even if it was the 19th century, maybe it took more than 100 days for a British high-speed sailboat to China (Shanghai) (It was South African Cape of Good Hope pass of course.)

I'd like to travel comfortably by a sailboat, but danger will be much as expected by such ship, won't it?

When I was young, it was said that they could take a global circumnavigation in several hours in tens of years more.

To go around the earth by spacecraft now seems to be about 90 minutes.

Which thing starts to stick to the global back in 5-6 hours without penguin suit?

Or a UFO outside the earth can be elucidated suddenly, and it can fly over a star in the solar system in several days .

It's cut with a warp in a moment between the fixed star.

May it be achieved one?


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