
色づいてきた蜜柑 " The orange which has colored!! "


It's being often introduced that there are several trees a fruit will be in my house garden.


It's an orange that it's good in a winter.

A shaddock colors yellowly, and is about 15 cm of diameter which becomes big.

A part of white skin is thick and the white part is soft like a sponge (It's bitter here and isn't eaten.), it's sweet and is the refreshing taste faintly actually.

Also bore another fruit much "Hiuga-Natsu/sunny place summer oranges)".
I think it becomes a little bigger and is turning yellow, an expensive hothouse plant was being bought so far, but the  "Hiuga-Natsu" when I grew up at my garden seems also rather fun.

The one  "Hiuga-Natsu"  is that a part of white skin is good. A fruit and white skin are eaten together.

There is a lot of oil in a yellow part of an integument both oranges, and the fragrance with the refreshing citrus system (It's natural.) does.

It was introduced at the front for some years, but a river of both oranges peel a yellow part, and please put it in a net.
When skin is chafed at a bathroom, the fragrance of the refreshing and easy citrus system is left in the body.

I'm exclusive cologne for this .

A nursery tree of lemon is being also bought and it's being planted, it seems to take time a little more to put fruits with that.

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