
2021年最後のアップデートです " It's the last update for 2021 years. "


Thank you very much really in 2021.

僕のもう一つのブログ future-compass にもたくさんの人がアクセスしてくれましたね
My another blog  A lot of people also accessed future-compass .


 It's the dance unit I like very much to have the glorious end of this year.


Picture was also drawn, so that's also raised together.

Yuka'sカンパニー "Yuka's company"

次のYou Tubeの一部を切り取って描いてみました
The part of next You Tube Move was cut off and it was drawn.

Dance also had been nice also moreover has been big fan.

Though it's less than 1 month, it's already played more than 10000 times.

僕をいつも元気にしてくれる Yuka先生、来年もパワフルで素敵なダンスをまたアップしてくださいね、いつも元気を分けていただきます。
Miss Yuka(of an organizer) who always makes me fine also raise a powerful and nice dance again next year, please, you always distribute vigor.

My one made work of canned food this year end in Hotel for 2 days.

It was gets a little tired with a room in a hotel (If self-taking was done, it was the face tired as expected.).

I'll receive vigor of a dance team, and it starts vigorously next year.

Thank you very much for everyone of all over the world really this year.

Also please take care in 2022.

僕のもう一つのブログ future-compass も、来年もたくさんの方がアクセスしてくれますようにね併せてお願いします。
My another blog future-compass  and next year all together, please, so that a lot of people may access.

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