
空からの眺め "View from the sky"


When I look at underworld from the sky, various ones are seen.


Ring of light is chasing it when he's looking at cloud from the top when having that, when it's often seen, it's the shadow of the fuselage in the center.

ブロッケン現象でしょうね、普通は山登りなどで山頂に立った時、自分の姿が神のように雲に映るあの現象、太陽などの光が背後から差し込み、影の側にある雲粒や霧粒によって光が散乱され、見る人の影の周りに、虹と似た光の輪となって現れる大気光学現象。 飛行機からは機体が影となって映る

Brocken phenomenon and the atmospheric optics phenomenon which is a circle of light akin to a rainbow around the shadow of the person light comes in from the back and scattered by the cloud droplet and the fog grain shadowy on the side, and who sees from the sun and shows. A fuselage is the shadow and seems from an airplane.


The gloria which was seen when I returned from Okinawa to the next picture which has been often time.

I'm looking from about 30000 feet of height, so surface of the sea and a ground level don't look good.

It's pleasant to see islands.

It's pleasant to see an island.
It's possible to judge which sky this island is by the shape of the island.

When it flies to a mainland from Okinawa, next it's being seen with Yoronjima, Okinoerabushima, an island of virtue and Amami-oshima.

When approaching in the Tanegashima sky at the same time, it was also possible to watch a rocket launching site carefully.


It's pleasant to check it while comparing a gurgling ground and the picture one took, isn't it?

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