It was a little old, but such article was written on January 30, 2010.
The story was made very after a long time with a doing (Than, I think like a relative.) friend married couple yesterday.
They're Chinese.
They are very excellent couple and live in a far place now, so we can sometimes speak only by telephone.
They're calling this Kyushu (Miyazaki) the second home, too, so I'm asking to return home at the second home certainly this year.
You're saying that I'd like to think about the next Golden Week, so I'm enjoying myself wonderfully........., "Because I'm waiting!!"
It's yesterday's telephone, the fact that two people plan to go to Jiuzhaigou in China and Szechwan-province was heard.
It's me, too, this is the place where you'd like to go by all means, right?
I hope that you can go together-,♪.
Because it was hoped hard that I'd like to meet its beauty when I'd like to go, a wish came true in summer of the next year.
九塞溝: 綺麗に澄み切った水と緑の山がとても綺麗でした
Jiuzhaigou: Water and a green mountain clear beautifully were very beautiful.
九塞溝と同じ四川省北西部 眠山山脈の中にあるもう一つの世界自然遺産にも
In another World Natural Heritage in the same northwest Sichuan's mountains as Jiuzhaigou.
黄龍: 石灰質の白い棚と青い水がとてもきれいな場所でした
HuangLong: A white shelf and blue water of lime matter were a very beautiful place.
黄山 : 水墨画の世界のような岩山と木々
HuangShang : Expensive rocky mountain and trees like the world of a monochrome ink painting
蘇州 : 古い歴史を物語る運河の街まで連れて行ってもらいました
Suzhou: He brought me to the town of the canal which tells old history.
It's important to hope and keep the mind on it hard.
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