
佐世保物語③ Sasebo Story 3


ここはアメリカ海軍 第7艦隊の基地でもある

Sasebo be a port town and the port town.... naval base where that also had the feature.
This is also a base of a U.S. Navy 7th fleet.


The American aircraft carrier which stopped at a port when I lived there for the first picture.

ロナルド・レーガン (USS Ronald Reagan, CVN-76) は、アメリカ海軍の航空母艦。ニミッツ級航空母艦の9番艦。東北大震災の時の「ともだち作戦」で支援にも大活躍してくれた

Ronald Reagan (USS Ronald Reagan, CVN-76) is an aircraft carrier of U.S. Navy. The 9th ship of Nimitz order aircraft carrier. You also made a spectacular showing in support in the "friend strategy" when being a northeastern great earthquake.

Page in Sasebo base see this, please.


These 2 ships will be a support ship of an aircraft carrier, won't they?


There are lodgings of a navy in the US on the west side of HUIS TEN BOSCH.


When I lived in Sasebo, I was also infesting a pirate ship.

判りますか? ワンピースのサウザンドサニー号 

Is it understood? "Thousand Sunny" of ONE PIECE.


 Of course, a Japanese harbor and Sasebo base of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are also here here.

Escort ship of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. The 7th ship of Hatsu Yuki type escort ship.


Is it a minesweeper that 3 ships of bottom is being shown in line?

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force  Home page of Sasebo local troops of Maritime Self-Defense Force.


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