
沖縄シリーズ⑦ 嘉手納基地 "Okinawa series(7) Kadena Air Base


Kadena Air base in Okinawa is introduced today.


The post where this is American Air Force in Japan (fifth Air Force)

C-40C  愛称はグローブマスターIII(Globemaster III)

The leader's military large long-distance cargo transport American Air Force possesses and uses.
C-40C  (Globemaster III).

P-3C 愛称はポセイドン(Poseidon)。

The antisubmarine patrol aircraft Boeing has developed. Small passenger plane Boeing remodeling from 737 machine for the said company. 
P-8   (Poseidon).


F-15C 愛称はイーグル。

The superior fighter MacDanell Douglas (present Boeing) has developed.

F-15C  Eagle.


C-40 Clipper


U.S. Navy and the staff cargo transport American Air Force is using. Boeing 737-700 passenger plane was introduced for military use. It's used for a magnate/transport of men and logistics transportation.

P-3C Orioin


Weather monitoring in addition to a Border patrol police and a fire fighting machine are nonmilitary the flying corps and the U.S. Coast Guard more than 50 years have passed from the first flight, but by which U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are an army, piling up an update, for in it's diverted and is the best-seller machine used in the country of more than 20.

P-8 Poseidon 


It'll be the main force patrol plane which changes passing years-ized P-3C. The patrol activity to keep military balance based on a request in concerned nations is carried to the Chinese People's Liberation Army which strengthens rapid marine advance behavior in East China Sea and South China Sea in particular.

次の写真は「道の駅 かでな」 に展示してある嘉手納基地に関する説明


Equipped model explanation plate in the Vietnam War those days in the Kadena base where the next picture is exhibited by "The station on the way  Or, go out." (1950-1975)


The explanation plate of the model it's stationed in Kadena base at present and, to which I come flying.


Crew who tries to appear on P-3C, He walked and disappeared into the inside of a fuselage slowly.

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