
世界自然遺産の冬景色と夏景色 "The winter scenery of the World National Herltage and summer landscape "

It's a broadcast of a television, the winter scenery of the Chinese world national Heritage "Huanglong" was being introduced.

It was the place visited by friend's Chinese guide, so I had an interest and was seeing.

Because there was winter scenery with photography in February of 2019, it's the winter midst, the next picture which goes here in summer is the picture I took from a right mountain at the same place as I introduced a blog.

The picture which televised the picture the next took from altitude 3650m of a "Huanglong" finial of a television.

It's midwinter-times that groundwater including the lime part is springing from this neighborhood where a pond doesn't freeze though it's -13 ℃.

The next picture is the picture which took the same place from the side with the picture I took in summer, it was the beautiful world like the inside of a dream. 

The last picture was 150 yuans by these entrance fee to the natural park and price of the those days, is it same even now? 

 The location of the recommendation which should be performed by all means as well as "Jiuzhaigou Valley" introduced before.

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