
Huis Ten Bosch #2 冬の風景 "The winter landscape"


Today is series 2 in HUIS TEN BOSCH.

Picture is old, so I think (picture of the time when I lived in the side) and present are a little different.
最初の写真は次の Google Mapの衛星写真からいただいたMapのウィンズ佐世保前の運河(Map右側)横からドムトールンの塔を望む場所です

The first picture is the place where I wish for a tower in DOMUTORUN from the canal (the Map right side) side in front of WINS Sasebo in Map I received from satellite photograph of next Google Map.

Map写真は上側が北です/The upper side is the north for a Map picture.


That streets where the next picture is turning to the south from a bridge in front of WINS Sasebo and is taking a picture are Amsterdam city.


When a square just before the tower like this HUIS TEN BOSCH's symbolizing "DOMUTORUN" becomes warm, the next picture will be rosaria (Because this picture was a winter, it's being done desertedly.)


It was prosaic time at the time of the picture taking which moved south, and walks next to the canal.


It was an old picture, but there were few people in a cold cause or truth at the same time, too.


When it's warm time, it's the beautiful place buried in a flower of a rose.


Tower in DOMUTORUN also seems slightly deserted,


Hotel Europe are being taken from the DOMUTORUN side.


The harbor town side is being taken from the same place.


Harbor town and an Pirate ship.


Is it akin to a town in Amsterdam?


Because now when a person was a little day really is a popular tourist spot, a tourist in foreign countries (in particular, Chines, Taiwan and Korean) is increasing.


Expected to introduce a seasonal picture of the rose next time.


Thank you very much for everyone really this year, please also come to this blog in 2019.

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